Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

An embedded V8 engine for .NET CLR and .NET Core.
ASP.NET Core MVC design time hosting infrastructure for the Razor view engine.
Requires Sitecore 10.3 Requires .NET 4.8 Constellation is a collection of utilities for .NET CMS implementers. The Foundation.Mvc assembly contains enhancements to Sitecore's MVC Rendering system: GenerateRenderingSpecificCacheKey Mvc.RenderRendering pipeline processor: Replaces the default Genera...
cloudscribe.Web.SiteMap.FromNavigation a library that implements ISiteMapNodeService using existing tree of nodes from cloudscribe.Web.Navigation.NavigationTreeBuilderService
F#-to-JavaScript compiler
KissLog ASP.NET MVC package. Install this package on ASP.NET MVC web applications.
Razor is a markup syntax for adding server-side logic to web pages. This package contains MSBuild support for Razor.
MiniProfiler: Extensions and helpers for ASP.NET MVC 5+ (non-.NET Core)
Deploy updates to a running Asp.Net Core IIS application by uploading a zip file.
User interface combinators for WebSharper
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.