Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Automatic injection of dependencies for tests
Uygulama içerisindeki nesne yaratma süreclerine sizin yerinize takip eder :)
The di4es module is dependency injection implementation in JavaScript. Dependency injection is a software design pattern that allows the removal of hard-coded dependencies and makes it possible to change them. With support IE5+ browsers and es6
Enables support for DI/IOC in startup.
Package Description
aquirrel base lib. castle aop
Sitecore config reader with support for specifying dependency on other config files. Requires Sitecore 8.1.160302 or higher.
Core functionality required by ASP.NET MVC bootstrap building blocks.
The common service registry allows a library to specify IoC registrations independant from the used IoC.
aquirrel base lib.
Supported Xamarin platforms: - Android - iOS 1. Install DependencyResolver to PCL project, that contains platform depended interface TService. 2. Install DependencyResolver to Android/iOS projects. 3. Add DependencyAttribute to platform specific implementation of TServi...
Tiny DI lib
Autofac IOC Factory help object
Core Knight Blades for Dependency Injection, used when Coding with Honor!
Dependency Injection utilities for use with DangrLib.
Reusable Business Logic Library for writing Accounting applications