Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

DI Container for WPF
Enables LightInject to be used as the service container in ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework 7 applications.
SafeOrbit 🛡️ is a security toolset including different high performance algorithms and easy to use classes for advanced memory protection. ► Protects your strings in memory while allowing you to securely compare & modify them. ► Protects your binary data with SafeBytes. ► Anti inj...
Common library for MVC applications leveraging EF fluent api, IoC, and Repository patterns.
NDI is a small dependency injection container for .NET C# projects that are small or that do not need the complexity of bigger IOC solutions.
Hazel Networking is a low-level networking library for C# providing connection orientated, message based communication via TCP, UDP and RUDP.
Provides simple and minimal IoC
Simple and lightweight dependency injection container. Supported Xamarin platforms: -Android -iOS -Windows Phone -Windows
Package Description
StaticDotNet.DependencyInjection.Configuration provides a way to configure services outside of the Startup class.
The common service registry allows a library to specify IoC registrations independant from the used IoC.
it's a .net framework library included dependency injection, dynamic proxy, http server...
References the awesome dotBunny/VSCode project on github and wraps it in a paket package for easy install / update
Composition pattern
Configuration system for Application (ASP.NET, WPF, UWP, etc). XML or JSON file types are avaliable
provides diagnostics and code fixes for uninitialized private fields.
Automatic injection of dependencies for tests
Automatic injection of dependencies for tests