Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

Represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables using F#
Msisdn is a library that facilitates working with international telephone numbers in F#.
Express just how dissapointed you are in the code with attributes.
FSharp.Karma is a library to emulate higher kinded types and Scalaz-style type classes.
FSharp.CLI provides functions for parsing command-line-arguments using F# record-types
(Deprecated) Lint tool for F#. * For the MSBuild task see: * For the FAKE task see: * For the API see:
Package Description
EDN does the thing!
VsTemplar generates Visual Studio project template from provided projects: *.csproj, *.fsproj etc. Generated .zip file contains .vstemplate file(s) and project(s) content of included projects. It can be further used in .vsix template generation.
JavaScript library built with Fable + FSharp
Frozen portable profiles
uhura does the thing!
Library that contains facilities to compute k-folds for cross-validation.
Template for scaffolding Elmish component.
Windows specific helpers requiring the full .NetFramework
The falanx .NET tool
Figurine does the thing!
Templates for Arachnid on .NET Core