Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

Quill rich text editor extension for Feliz
Toastr integration with Fable, implemented as Elmish commands
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp core library FSharp.Core.dll Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp compiler fsc.exe. Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (.netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp compiler fsc.exe. Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the F# compiler fsc.exe.
.NET Core compatible version of fsharp interactive fsi.exe. Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (.netstandard1.6)
Please use Persimmon.MuscleAssert.
my dotnet templates
Fable.Template.Pixi App
A Compositional, Safe Query Framework for Dynamic F# Queries
The COM Type Provider provides a new way to do COM interop from F#. It allows you to access COM components directly from F# projects and scripts without adding any references other than the type provider itself.
The DocumentDb Type Provider provides easy access to databases, collections and documents within an Azure DocumentDb account
FsRegEx provides composable F# functionality for all the capabilities of the .NET Regex class including supporting pipe forward |> composability.
Fable bindings for µWS
FSharp DSL for CSS
Simple elmish application using React as a renderer