Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

F# friendly functions for Dynamics 365.
A collection of operators that can help write a Neo4j Cipher query using the natural syntax (or as close as possible) without resorting to too many magic strings.
Fable bindings for Express
Fable bindings for node-postgres
Fable bindings for
A meta type provider for creating simple type providers from plain old f# objects
Aether optics for Fable apps
Fable bindings for ASP.NET Core SignalR
Package Description
Simple strong typing of whether JSON properties are excluded or null. JsonSkippable is an F# library that allows you to simply differentiate between null and omitted JSON properties in a strongly typed manner, for both serialization and deserialization.
Json generative type provider for F# and .NET.
F# idiomatic modules for the types in System.Collections.Concurrent
Fable binding for node-mssql, a Microsoft SQL server client library with an idiomatic F# API
Shared part of Elmish.Remoting
Shared part of Elmish.Bridge
Basic statistics with some probability library. Includes common distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Student's and Normal), random number generators from some of the distributions, summary statistics for a sample, Z-Test, Student's T-Test, special functions (Error, Gamma, Beta and Regularize...
Elmish.Browser bridge for Elmish.Remoting