Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

Functional wrapper around the RavenDB client API
Common F# extensions for the enterprise this now encompasses FSharpEnt.Json, FSharpEnt.Etl, FSharpEnt.Actors
Package description
A thin veneer of F#ness arround several different frameworks to make a light weight Mvc framework.
3rd party tools runtime
Reactive store for command/event processing
Adds config for using Rezoom.SQL.Provider with MS SQL Server.
F# types ModelBinder for Nancy.
Adds config for using Rezoom.SQL.Provider with SQLite.
F# and .NET Core SDK working together
Goodreads API wrapper written in F#.
This is a F# Z3 API wrapper
Converters for basic F# types using Newtonsoft.Json
Inline composable fsharp functions around BCL static methods. Supports .net 3.5 through .net Standard
FnSharp FSharp Serialization
FSharp.Object.Diff is a port of java-object-diff.
This library provides F# integration for the Imms immutable collections library.
PPrint extensions for printing to console.
A tool that simply generates a nice doc file for a project's .fsi files
Alternative F# XAML processor and utilties