Top 20 NuGet Excel Packages

Working with large Excel files is problematic. After reading an article by Joel Spolsky which advocated using Excel to work with Excel files because nobody else has put in everything necessary to optimize the experience like the real thing, I decided to try it out. It turns out that the Excel auto...
Mehr micro packages (libraries) Sepanta Software Development Team ( [-at-] sepanta [-dot-] com) Team Leader: Mehran Farshadmehr (m.farshadmehr [-at-] sepanta [-dot-] com)
DigiQuill Excel Importer Library
Call VB DotNet Functions in sequence. This is great for Excel Automation. This class creates a dictionary, so that you can call public subs if you have the sub name provided in Excel Range.
Extensions for ExcelDna.Integration
Dependency Epplus
A pure js excel exporter. Export your data from html table or json data. You can give mapping info for customization. More information:
Export to Excel,Word , Pdf, Html,CSV The data could be a C# class or a JSON/CSV string Examples: export=new ExportExcel2007<Person> (); data = export.ExportResult(new List<Person>() { p }); File.WriteAllBytes("a.xlsx", data); Process.Start("a.xlsx"); ...
Excel Document Model
Edm Writer using EPPlus
FExcel helps with common operations on Microsoft Excel files
Interfaces for the fluent ribbon builder for Excel add-in - Add-in X
Wrapper for the ConfigurationManager class - Contract - Add-in X
Implementation of the wrapper for the class ConfigurationManager - Addin X
Leadbox Excel Library