Top 20 NuGet Excel Packages

Excel Interop library based on EPPlus
RDLCPrinter is a library for RDLC LocalReport. You can use by exemple with SQL Server dataset. With RDLCPrinter, you can export report. A Powerfull WPF Preview control it's also include. RDLCPrinter, This powerful class encapsulates a LocalReport with a lot of functionnality (ex: export to pdf, p...
You can use this tools to read a Excel file data.
This is a library for serializing and deserializing an excel file to/from an object list
Single C# class to parse XlTable format.
[DEPRECATED] Please use ExcelProvider instead (
This project exposes solid interfaces that contains basic operations for handling Excel files. It provides a factory that acts as a Façade to the concrete implementations with the great libraries NPOI and EPPlus.
This is a wrapper simplifying some of the functionality available in the OpenXML SDK v2.0. Currently only Excel functionality is implemented.
Makes VSTO development with Excel far nicer, support DI/IoC, ViewModel per context (Document, Workbook, ApointmentItem etc), WPF like binding in RibbonXML, WPF Support and more!
A set of powershell v2 cmdlets to work with excel data. Work in progress, right now, only import-excel cmdlet available.
ExcelExport is a simple, fluent API to export data to Excel spreadsheets using OleDb. For sample usage, click the Project Information link.
F# Excel interop pakcage.
A C#/.Net library for creating reports in Excel spreadsheet files directly through code. Unlike .csv files, these can be directly opened by Excel and thus provide an easy way to define excel styles. No need to install Ms Office Excel or any third-party libraries.
Entity FrameWork Database Seeder from Excel
Replacement/placeholder for System.Web
Its Bharat
Include base constructions of zapos, like abstract document styles or description of the document model.
Constructors.Razor parse markup from razor .cshtml to abstract document model. Abstract model used on Printer.Gembox part of Zapos.
Printer.Gembox - small part of Zapos, responsible for converting report from abstract document model. Supports file formats: XLSX (XlsxPrinter) and PDF (PdfPrinter).
Facilitates streaming simple string values to XLSX (Excel 2007+ files)