Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

LambdicSql is ultimate sql builder. Generate sql text and parameters from lambda. Target frameworks are .netframework3.5~, pcl, .netstandard1.2~.
Facilitador para implementação e utilização do EntityFramework.
The ExtCore.Data.EntityFramework extension component. Based on the ExtCore framework.
.NET Entity Framework Core 8 Extensions/Utilities
EFRepository allows you to use a LINQ-Enabled version of the Repository Pattern for Entity Framework
Entity Framework 6 library.
dotConnect for Oracle is an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with advanced support for ORMs, such as Entity Framework and EF Core, and offers a complete solution for developing DB-related applications and web sites.
dotConnect for MySQL is an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with advanced support for ORMs, such as Entity Framework and EF Core, and offers a complete solution for developing DB-related applications and web sites.
Library to work with database, apply migrations and data using Entity Framework Core
An abp application module group that provides basic e-shop service.
An abp application module that provides general user review service. For example, a user can review a product he has bought with text, pictures and star-rating.
asp net core basic framework
To bulk operation sql server, it have a high efficiency. Bulk insert 1,000,000 records just need half minute How to use it: using LF.EntityFramework.Extention; DBContextExtensions.SingleTaskMaxCount = 10000;//more than 10000 entities start multiple threads DBContextExtensions.TaskCount = 10; //t...
An abp application module that provides payment service.