Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

Package Description
EntityFramework Module for KY-Generator Download KY.Generator to use this module
DbContext serialization infrastructure for Entity Framework Core
This is a DataAccess.Core implementation for EntityFramework and EntityFrameworkCore. This implementation is compatible with net45, net46 and net standard 2.0.
PineBlog data provider that uses Entity Framework Core.
Entity Framework Core support for Finbuckle.MultiTenant.
Metapackage for Finbuckle.MultiTenant.
User-defined types change notifications support for Entity Framework Core
Dynamic Linq extensions for Z.EntityFramework.Classic which adds Async support
DbContexts and Identity entities for the administration of the IdentityServer4 and Asp.Net Core Identity
CQRS framework based on MediatR
An abp application module that allows users to send private messages to each other.
Unit of Work implementation for EntityFramework Core. Package based over the mediatr pattern (mediatr package used). For more information please see Calabonga.UnitOfWork package. Mediator pattern impementation.
A simple plugin to help keep track of changes in the database
Triggers for EF Core. Respond to changes in your ApplicationDbContext before and after they are committed to the database
Triggers for EF Core. Respond to changes in your ApplicationDbContext before and after they are committed to the database
C1.EntityFrameworkCore.Salesforce is an entity framework core based database object mapper for Salesforce.
C1.EntityFrameworkCore.Kintone is an entity framework core based database object mapper for Kintone.