Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

The CData Azure Table Storage Provider allows you to connect to Azure tables.
ScopedUnitOfWork is a lightweight .NET Standard implementation of Unit of Work and Repository patterns, extended with scoped functionality to improve read performance and in-built with transactions management; in respect to underlying Entity Framework Core ORM.
Entity Framework implementation of the extensions to .NET Identity 2.0
LancheProject 关系数据库访问
This package provides a way to implement Unit Of Work and Repository patterns with Entity Framework Core and DbContextScope.
EntityFramework-specific component of the CRUD.NET package family, providing support for DDD-inspired C.R.U.D. functionality of .NET REST APIs and Microservices
Provides an asynchronous operations over the original Vibrant.QuerySearch library.
Unit of work pattern for Idea framework.
Repository pattern for Idea framework.
This is a helper library for two factor Authenticator Getting started guide: Change log:
PhantomNet.Entities.EntityFrameworkCore class library
Provides a fluent way to configure your DbContext's Model
Extensions and conventions for Relational Entity Framework Core configuration using FluentModelBuilder
Idea.UnitOfWork.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
Idea.Repository.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
Idea.Query.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
Shared design-time test suite for Entity Framework Core relational database providers.