Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

The woozle model generator creates POCO classes of your edmx model including additional features such as multi tenancy or managed concurrency.
The woozle entity framework repository and unit of work generator creates repository and unit of work classes of your edmx model which can be used to perform database operations. The generator includes additional features such as including additional features such as synchronizing an object to the e...
EFConcurrencyModeTest helps you write unit tests (for e.g. NUnit) that test whether optimistic concurrency for Entity Framework is enabled in your EDMX files.
Ordering and paging extenshion for entity framework.
EntityFramework persistance for FileStore
Parses SQL files to create a meta-object hierarchy with which you can generate C# code such as stored procedure wrappers or Entity Framework entities. Includes templates. Go to for more info!
Testing helpers for using Ninject.MockingKernel.FakeItEasy with EntityFramework.
Common base classes for writing enterprise application
AppBoot.Data implementations for Entity Framework.
Testing helpers for using Ninject.MockingKernel.NSubstitute with EntityFramework.
NContext application component for Entity Framework.
Finaquant Calcs is a commercial .NET library with (1) table-valued functions (Table Functions) and (2) Calculation Nodes and Networks (Calculation Engine). This free 30-day evaluation version comes with restricted table size (max 5000 rows). You may buy a permanent license with unlimited table size.
Testing helpers for using Ninject.MockingKernel.Moq with EntityFramework.
Add drop-in versioned properties to your entity framework model for fine-grained auditing of your model.
Simple Implementation of Repository and Unit of Work patterns in Entity Framework.
AutoClutch.AutoRepo is a simple generic repository for Entity Framework 6 that can be used to save you coding time when creating a data layer.