Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Library made from coders to coders with some utilities used in GreenConcept projects
OhioBox.Storage integration with Moranbernate ORM
The SQL Server adapter of the Quermine library.
Simple CRUD operations for Dapper. Fork including pagination and support for NO SYNC
KORM is fast, easy to use, micro ORM tool (Kros Object Relation Mapper).
Custom wrapper of SqliteORM for both iOS & Android
PureActive Database Abstractions
Flexible memory cache with backing cache of files, SQLite, or SQL Server. Compatible with .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard. Ready for your Xamarin or Internet of Things project.
This tool is use for directly Import Record from MS SQL to CRM.
SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
Extends ADONetHelper library to ASE
Mongo DB repository, managers, base models and interfaces for any Mongo data projects
A library extension built around Microsoft Entity Framework to extend its functionality and performance.
Additional functionality for working with an Umbraco database
Dashing.Cli is a command line tool for migrating database schemas