Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Dapper.FastCrud is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels. These features leave no chance to mistypings or problems arising from db entity refactorings. Visual Studio 2015 or later is recommend...
A fork from Dapper.FastCrud is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels. These features leave no chance to mistypings or problems arising from db entity refactorings. Visual Studio 2015 or later ...
Component for easy access to Oracle database from Core 3.0 or higher. Receives data into DataSet, DataTable or DataRow objects
MySql package for SQLib.
ElevenDb is an extremely-simple key-value database consisting of eleven different components. It is in beta state, so it is not recommended to use it with valuable data.
abp module for read db table, view
This package contains platform-specific native code builds of RockDB (with no libsnappy dependency). Included: linux-x64/, osx-x64/librocksdb.dylib, win-x64/rockdb.dll
Caching for a Normal ORM
Base-class for any derivations of WrapSql. This package has no use by itself. WrapSql is a simple, lightweight database-wrapper for easier and faster development.
SqlPlace is a .NET framework library to help you build complex parameterized SQL query.
Mapping for DKX.Dbal
Package Description
SQL implementation of Cadmus index.
The Sqreen in app agent for .NET. Defense in depth for OWASP Top-10 attacks that’s easy to install, manage and scale.
Queries.Renderers.Postgres Class Library
.NET standard NHibernate extensions, convetions
Use full for web API’s Excludes the installation of extra packages just installs DapperDBHelper and create object of DapperDBHelper and pass your connection string through contractor DBHelper class. How we can use DapperDBHelper, Find the piece of code below Example ...
Like DbContext from Entity Framework, but with nowhere near the same features, and it's for MongoDB. Provides a context for performing operations on a MongoDB database, enabling transactions without manually passing IClientSessionHandle objects around, and provides access to every collection all in...
This package is designed to help you easily get started developing a new NET 5.0 application. The package includes basic abstractions for implementing EntityFramework in Onion architecture: Entity interfaces group in Core.Domain.Model namespace, two interface groups in Core.Domain.Navigation namespa...