Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Database migrator based on DbUp
A .NET Standard 2.0 library that enables checking terms and abbreviations for existence against a glossary of approved terms and abbreviations. In addition, the glossary has methods to abbreviate terms or expand abbreviations based on the GlossaryItems in the glossary. It was designed for checking d...
Provides Generic Web Api Controllers to perform CRUD operations against a Sql Server, including Temporal Tables, with DTO support
It is a copy with original dapper extensions 1.6.3 with NetStandard2.0 supported.
Annotation objects for ADO.Net.Client based libraries
The libraries for using the Microsoft SQL Server implementation of Sql Stream Store.
Flight is an easy to use framework for applying SQL to a database deterministically. You create a migration plan and Flight will take care of the rest.
Flight is an easy to use framework for applying SQL to a database deterministically. You create a migration plan and Flight will take care of the rest.
Flight is an easy to use framework for applying SQL to a database deterministically. You create a migration plan and Flight will take care of the rest.
Pure .NET Key-Value and Set databases. Inspired by LevelDB and SSTables and Log Structured Merge Trees.
Adds extension methods to an EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext to perform a SQL MERGE between a DbContext Entity and another table.
Easily execute commands and queries from SQL files stored as embedded assembly references with Entity Framework.
An extension library of System.Data.DataTable which provides extension methods for fully customizable pretty-printing of DataTable to an ASCII formatted string which can be displayed on the console or any text buffer.
An Anorm-inspired library for database access with simple immutable objects.
ADatabaseFixture, an appeasing database fixture
SQL client for parameterized queries without vendor nuances.
Библиотека расширений для Entity Framework Core
MiniProfiler extensions and helpers for ASP.NET MVC 4+
MiniProfiler integration for Entity Framework 6
Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET MVC sites