Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

A flexible, extensible GraphQL backend for Sql Server via Roscoe
Generic ADO.NET helper library to connect to a relational database system using a given providers ADO.NET driver. Driver can be in Global Assembly Cache or referenced as a nuget package.
A simple object mapping library. A simple extenstion for IDbConnection and IDbTransaction.
PostgreSql bridge for Korzh.DbUtils library.
A thin wrapper around Dapper.Net that helps with runtime customization of queries.
Provides classes for drawing the DB diagram of an MS SQL database at
Database provider for kcartlidge/migratable adding support for Postgres
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser provides T-SQL parsing functionality.
DSL abstraction for Working with SQL (Select, Update, Insert, Delete, Executing Stored procedures, using Transactions)
Bulk Insert Datatable or generic list into a SQL Server Database table
FluentDbTools provides a fluent SQL abstraction layer for creating database connections, building sql queries and migrating your database.
Run safe and effective ADO .NET SQL queries on Microsoft SQL Server.
Run safe and effective ADO .NET SQL queries on Oracle Database.
A .NET ACID RDBMS and NoSQL(with mods/tools) database.
Simple tool for building sql commands