Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Package Description
A custom binding for MS SQL Server which can be used in an Azure Function project.
Relational database management services.
This package provides the function to save database tables before and after changes as CSV, JSON and Excel files. It's designed for the purpose to automatically generate evidence files in unit-tests.
an orm desgined to map classes directly into a database, including support for creating views and executing a modified sql language that uses the class objects and translates them into a proper query.
This library allows SQL Server queries and stored procedures to be run quickly and dynamically while ensuring parameter binding is done.
This library allows MySQL queries and stored procedures to be run quickly and dynamically while ensuring parameter binding is done.
MS SQL Server bridge for Korzh.DbUtils library
MySQL bridge for Korzh.DbUtils library.
A part of Korzh.DbUtils library which implements data importing and DB initialization functions.
A part of Korzh.DbUtils library which implements data exporting functionality.
Basic abstractions for Korzh.DbUtils library.
FORK - A small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD operations (Get, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs. For more advanced querying scenarios, Dapper Extensions provides a predicate system.
A fixture for XUnit that start up a Microsoft SQL Server DB to test your code with. Whilst it was built for XUnit it should be framework agnostic.
Provides abstraction layer for various ag.DbData components.
It creates database on SQL Server. It has Create, Exists, CreateSilent method.
SQL Server HTTP Actuator support.
SQL Server HTTP Actuator support.
Roscoe is a strongly-typed fluent interface for Postgres
A library for Firebase DB written in C#