Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Abstract MongoDB repository base class.
T4 scripts to generate model classes compatibile with ACE ADO Cache Engine. To use it provide correct data base configuration in file and save changes - POCO files will be generated automatically.
Extensions to DbUp supporting easy filtering, ordering and versioning.
RQL.NET is a resource query language for .NET intended for use with REST apps. It provides a simple, hackable api for creating dynamic sql queries from user submitted JSON.
Beta release. A simple CRUD library for dotnet Standard 2.0.
F# type providers to support statically typed access to input parameters and result set of sql statement in idiomatic F# way. Data modifications via statically typed tables.
SQL update data dynamically using linq2db
Provides extensions for testing usage of SqlRepo components
Adds extension methods to deal with concurrency using EntityFramework.SqlServer. Contains handling for: - Conflict handling: Dublicate keys / Double Adds - Conflict handling: Add / Update - Conflict handling: Update but deleted in the meantime - Ignore Deleted in the meantime errors - Ignore Dublica...
A .NET library that provides additional functionality for interacting with Azure Cosmos DB.
.NET conversion (using IKVM.NET) of the H2 SQL database library.
Tools and extensions for working with data.
A set of tools for working with standard SQL queries and returning a collection of C# objects instead of an SQLDataReader or DataTable.
Independent open source project by Kristian Gundry Nielsen. SQL binding for azure functions using Dapper, currently only working with MS SQL Server
EntitySpaces in .NET for SQL Server (single assembly install)