Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Library for work with database using dapper. Including table variables and PersistenceBase class
This very loquacious data provider is the easiest way for your Sitecore solution to show the SQL Queries your fast queries translate to and measure them at the same time. Documentation can be found here:
A simple object store library to persist objects for demo and testing applications. The objects will be serialized to JSON and stored on the file system by default. This package contains the Azure storage provider.
Executes any number of sql files on MS SQL Server. Since the code doesn't know the order to execute the files, it uses a retry mechanism until each batch in the file executes successfully
SeekU SQL provider for event stream and snapshot storage.
A simple object store library to persist objects for demo and testing applications. The objects will be serialized to JSON and stored on the file system by default.
DensoDB is a new NoSQL document database. Written for .Net environment in c# language. It run in-process so you does not need any configuration or installation.
Unofficial bindings for ejbd database (see for details). EJDB lib (version 1.1.25) is embedded and run under both x32/x64 processes.
NHibernate 2nd level cache provider that uses System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache. Supports SqlChangeMonitor and HostFileChangeMonitor. Does not depend on System.Web.dll
A lightweight CRUD wrapper for the Dapper Micro-ORM.
Enable logging with Log4Net for OrigoDb
Enable OrigoDb serialization with ProtoBuf
Build faster systems faster with native .NET in-memory data modeling. No SQL, No o/r-mapping, no problems!
Business Logic Toolkit AzureSql Data Provider for .NET
Allow to use Entity Framework 5 with PostgreSQL
MS SQL HierarchyId methods support for NHibernate
A C# Server side component for the popuplar jQuery datatables plugin
Cojecto is a semantic database built for Windows 8 Store Apps and .NET 4.5 applications. Cojecto has full SPARQL support and you can load data from several file formats or natively. Cojecto is a very high performance semantic database. Cojecto conforms to the new async/await pattern req...