Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Obsolete classes of the NYurik.TimeSeriesDb package
Each 32-bit ODAC client download below supports connectivity to Oracle Database versions 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, and 11.1, and 11.2.
NServiceBus transport for SQL Server Service Broker. Part of NServiceBus-Contrib.
MonkeyOrm is a small, powerful SQL-based ORM for .NET. Website: . Source code: Some of MonkeyOrm features and design choices: * Doesn’t pollute your code: no base classes to inherit from, no attributes and no xml config. * Easy to ado...
Each 64-bit ODAC client download below supports connectivity to Oracle Database versions 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, and 11.1, and 11.2.
Simple tool to migrate data.
Simple database access like in WebMatrix.Data.
AsyncParse.Net is a library to enable access to through the asynchronously-capable Microsoft .NET Framework 4 HTTP Client Libraries
A SQL server database consistency and comparison testing tool. Base classes for testing database consistency in different environments.
A SQL server database consistency and comparison testing tool. Shared libraries.
A SQL server database consistency and comparison testing tools. Commandline tools for creating databases, running SQL scripts, and generating migrations across different environments.
This library allows the creation of Manager, Root and Block services for a CoudB network infrastructure: applications which want to expose a machine through a specific network protocol (eg. TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.) will reference this library for all the major storage and operational features.
NLite.Data Framework 是一个轻量简单易用的开源Linq ORM数据访问组件,支持Nullable类型和枚举类型,对Linq的谓词提供了完美的支持,旨在让绝大部份的主流数据库都使用 Linq 来进行程序开发,让开发人员访问数据库从SQL中解放出来,易学易用上手快,配置简单,并且提供了源代码下载,方便定制。支持多数据库,目前支持Access、SQLServer、SqlCE、SQLite、MySQL、ORACLE,未来还会支持更多的数据库。 设计理念 一: 约定胜于配置 连接字符串的配置完全遵循.Net 的...
ELinq 是一个轻量简单易用的开源Linq ORM数据访问组件,支持Nullable类型和枚举类型,对Linq的谓词提供了完美的支持,支持根据实体类自动建库建表建关系,支持根据数据库通过T4模版自动生成实体代码,旨在让绝大部份的主流数据库都使用 Linq 来进行程序开发,让开发人员访问数据库从SQL中解放出来,易学易用上手快,配置简单,并且提供了源代码下载,方便定制。支持多数据库,目前支持Access、SQLServer、SqlCE、SQLite、MySQL、ORACLE,未来还会支持更多的数据库。
Chinook is a sample database of a digital media store, including tables for artists, albums, media tracks, invoices and customers. It is available for multiple database servers: SQL Server, SQL Server Compact Edition, SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and DB2.
Easiest and fastest Micro ORM, you've got the queries, you've got the objects, take the best of two worlds ! This is the SQL Server Compact database provider.
DensoDB is a new NoSQL document database. Written for .Net environment in c# language. It run in-process so you does not need any configuration or installation.
Chinook is a sample database of a digital media store, including tables for artists, albums, media tracks, invoices and customers. It is available for multiple database servers: SQL Server, SQL Server Compact Edition, SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and DB2.
Fast and configurable repository implementation for multiple types of data sources.