Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Helper classes for use of Entity Framework. This library include features for adding connection string to the constructor of the context class for entity framework plus a few other features.
SQL Server database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
File-based database migration tool. Support raw SQL/JSON query files and BAT/CMD/EXE programs. MySQL, MS SQL Server, MongoDB and Oracle are supported.
Provides extension methods for Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.DocumentClient that streamline CRUD operations against a Cosmos DB graph using generated Gremlin script.
A customizable code generator engine with built in support for C# and TypeScript code generation
EntityDbContext and EntityBase with BeforeSave/AfterSave hooks.
An alternative to ORM's such as Entity Framework, offers light-weight database mapping to your existing CLR objects with minimal effort. BindingSupport is net461, supporting two-way data-binding with entities.
.NET Reporting
A library for basic sql access using SqlClient
Simple modular logging system.
Implementing the Repository pattern for use MongoDb
Currently it supports below query mappings: primitive: field => c.field parent/child => c.parent.child Namespace.EnumType'enumVal' => 'enumVal' queries: $select => SELECT $filter => WHERE $top => TOP $orderby => OR...
Simple wrapper with its factory for working with database connections (for example, Dapper)
Simple database-adapted abstractions for *Command and *Query parts of CQRS pattern
it is a easy way to access your sql database