Top 20 NuGet Dapper Packages

Package Description
UnitOfWork and Repository pattern for Dapper. You can use this library to access data with Dapper.
UnitOfWork & Repository pattern over Dapper.
This project is focus in Extensions to Oracle
Package Description
Package Description
A SQLConnection extension to make SQL calls easier to manage.
A couple helper classes to make using TVP parameters with Dapper easier.
Fork of Dapper dot net micro-ORM
Leverages Dapper's simple object mapping with a command pattern approach rather than an extension method approach.
A set of extensions to Dapper, specifically for Microsoft SQL Server * TableValuedParameter<T> * ExecuteWithIdentity
A lightweight library that extends Dapper.NET Micro-ORM
Modification of Dapper's library to utilize FlitBit.Dto Framework and the FlitBit.IoC
Dapper implementation of the RedRocket Persistence Framework
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
Dapper.Fluent is a small and easy library that supports fluent API for query construction and execution over database connection using Dapper.Net.
Simple SQLite/Dapper powered key store. This is still pre-alpha so be sure to check back for updates.