Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

Crypteron CipherStor for encrypting files and file streams destined for Azure Blob Storage, Amazon S3, SMB and local file servers
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with Microsoft Azure DocumentDB.
Crypteron CipherObject Agent for general object oriented encryption
============================= Module: biz.dfch.PS.Azure.ServiceBus.Client d-fens GmbH, General-Guisan-Strasse 6, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland This Microsoft PowerShell module contains Cmdlets to perform sending and receiving messages against Azure Service Bus 1.1 with AMQP 1.0. You can also download...
EntityFramework persisters for NServiceBus.
Console logger for the AccidentalFish.Application support framework
Provides some minor abstractions over a few Azure KeyVault and Azure ActiveDirectory API behaviors.
Sentiment Analysis using Azure Machine Learning
============================= Module: biz.dfch.PS.Azure.ServiceBus.Management d-fens GmbH, General-Guisan-Strasse 6, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland This Microsoft PowerShell module contains Cmdlets to perform various base actions and utility/convenience functions with Azure Service Bus 1.1. You can al...
[codingfreaks] Azure utility library
SourceMax.DocumentDB Repository Library
Simplified fluent way for accessing a Redis cache now ThreadSafe by design RedisCacheManager: + GetOrDrill + GetOrDrillLong (30 min) + GetOrDrillShort (10 min) + Overwrite + Poison q: [email protected] [2.0] - RedisCacheInstance for multiple cache server usage [1.5] - Added thread safety v...
Sitecore CMS extension to output log statements to Microsoft Azure Storage service using the Append Blobs. Features: • Append regular, WebDAV, Search, Crawling and Publishing Sitecore diagnostics • Based on Azure Blob Storage • Append Blobs are used to store diagnostics as a text data • Text data i...
This package provides PowerShell scripts to automatically compile, package, test and deploy your code based on a set of conventions. It is based on psake and consists of a set of psake tasks written in Powershell. There is a predefined psake properties block and a number of predefined tasks as well ...
Exposes Hyak generated client libraries events via ETW (Event Tracing for Windows). ETW events can be captured by subscribing to Hyak event source. The ETW tracing provider requires .NET Framework 4.5 or newer.
Exposes Hyak generated client libraries HTTP messaging via Log4Net.
A PowerShell task runner based on Invoke-Build. Invoke-Build is a build and test automation tool which invokes tasks defined in PowerShell scripts. It is similar to psake but arguably easier to use and more powerful. Removes the boilerplate code from your build scripts and supports a convention-base...