Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

Provides implementation for Azure Key Vault
Service Library for IndieGamesLab server components
Event store implementation for use with Astro.CQRS
A light-weight ASP.Net MVC Library for posting files to IIS & Azure Storage
Provides logging and tracking for Azure Service Fabric services
Azure Key vault helper.Please Configure ClientId, ClientSecret and KeyVaultUrl as keys in appsettings with valid values.
.NET wrapper around Azure Service Bus Entity Metrics REST APIs
Modern API to Azure Storage
Provides strong types and repository access for mongo DB and Azure Cosmos DB, which is both weak typed. You can have all the sources with examples from here:
Extends the MediaStash.Lib and provides Azure integration. DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious t...
Asynchronous messaging using Microsoft Azure.
A library to simplify working with data in Azure Mobile Apps.
Cake addin for Azure management.
NFX.MongoDB Provider Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing ...
NFX Microsoft SQL Server Provider Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times wit...
NFX MySQL Provider Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing GC...
NFX.Wave Web Server Framework Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without...