Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

Provides transient error detection strategies for adding retry logic into your application.
NLog layout renderers specific for Microsoft Azure Cloud Service
This library is aimed on fastracking Azure Table Storage development.
ServiceFabric.HttpClient is a small http client communication library for Azure Service Fabric.
The LaundroSmart Azure queues management
Covers the scope of statistics and machine learning in dotnet as well as operationalization of machine learning in Azure
Wrapper around the Azure Blob Storage to handle container instantiations
Azure Data Factory to ARM compiler
This library provides: 1) Automatic retry logic with overloads taking both synchronous and asynchronous delegates compatible with all DocumentDB client methods. 2) A "query interceptor" that A) both allows use of the aforementioned retry logic with Linq IQueryables against DocumentDB (this supports ...
Service Bus Application Insights helper classes. For usage please see in the repository.
Azure Functions bindings to inject your dependencies with Unity containers
Azure Functions bindings to inject your dependencies with Autofac
Azure SignalR bindings for Azure Functions
Redis bindings for Azure Functions
This package contains Client library that helps in Microsoft Azure Blob Stoage operations and File Share Utility.
The package helps in working with microsoft azure storage accounts for storing files irrespective of the file type. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of upload and download files from Microsoft Azure Blob Stoarage for .Net(Classic) and .net core applica...
This package contains Client library that helps in Microsoft Azure Blob Stoage operations and File Share Utility.
KumoDictionary provides IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface for access to a behind Key-Value-Store (e.g. Azure Storage Table, DynamoDB).
Dependency injection for v2 Azure Functions.
Client for BC.Storage API