Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages
Business Logic Toolkit AzureSql Data Provider for .NET
A wrapper for Azure's CloudTable class that provides interfaces and strongly typed API
Azure blob storage provider for N2CMS. Check project url for usage instructions.
A trace listener designed to run on an on-premesis machine, which will write trace information in batches to a table in Windows Azure Table Storage.
EasyAzureServiceBus: This library, inspired by the simple EasyNetQ API, helps you get started with Service Bus 1.1 for Windows Server pub/sub and queues!
DLL that generates azure csdef/cscfg for all environments/roles from templates and json meta-config file. Contains a build task for easy automation. Easily embedded as an exe. Also contains ability to extract json meta-config from existing cscfgs.
Azure Table Storage implementation for the Zelda IRepository project.
A library to mirror structured data on multiple devices
A simple object store library to persist objects for demo and testing applications. The objects will be serialized to JSON and stored on the file system by default. This package contains the Azure storage provider.
NLog target to write to an AzureServiceBus.
Optimise Azure Blob updating. Allows calculating and uploading/downloading of deltas instead of dealing with entire files/blobs.
Samples showing how to use the FluentACS API
Azure Store XRay is a thin wrapper on Azure Storage Analytics functionality.
It provides parsing of the logs, as well as easy access to metrics tables entities.
Azure Diagnostics interop with log4net
Simple extendable Service Bus implementation
Custom TraceListener that logs messages immediately to Windows Azure table storage.
Using Unity to inject various settings from Azure Configuration file
Helpers to assist with Windows Azure Queue integration and unit testing.
RxCloud is a library for Windows Azure projects leverages power of Reactive Extensions.
An implementation of the Lucene.NET directory class that uses the Azure Local Cache (Preview) as the backend