Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

The .NET DataStore is a pure C# implementation of DataWindow technology and compatible with cloud native architecture. It supports many relational databases, including Adaptive Server Enterprise, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Anywhere, etc. This package is for use by Appeon customers with appl...
Storm framework for API with aspnet core
AspNetCore integration for Identifiers with DependencyInjection integration
Api.Result is a basic package created to encapsulate, standardize and facilitate the return of results with messages, errors or data for communication between server to server, server to client or between application layers such as ASP.NET Core Web API.
Implementation of sqlite database for SuxrobGM.Sdk.ServerAnalytics
Server side analytics tool for ASP.NET Core projects
Extends Swashbuckle 2.18.7 with added error handling
High productivity facilitator for scraping web pages
Code Generator Toolkit for C# and TypeScript
DotNet Framework and Core Helpers for Web
key = key.Replace(".", "_"); line commented at JavaScriptLocalizationResourcesController. Provides ASP.NET Core specific features to the Westwind.Globalization library, including IStringLocalizer interfaces, JavaScript Resource handler and an on-line Resource editor to allow real-time editing of da...
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