Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Translation abstractions extension pack for XLocalizer.
some tools for fast developing back-end.
some tools for fast developing back-end.
Adds IP address logging via Serilog using ForwardedHeaders.
Initialization and configuration including useful base types for ASP.NET Core APIs.
Package Description
Package Description
Blazor components and utilities for use with the StateR library.
StateR, pronounced stator, is an experimental C# 9.0-based, Redux-inspired, state management library for .NET.
Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD framework for modern C#/.NET applications. .NET Core global tool for database migrations.
A library to aid in the construction of RESTful Web Services
A library to aid in the construction of RESTful Web Services
Resilience Library for Micro Services running in containers like Kubernetes.
An ultra-lightweight MVC framework for the web that handles page requests and RESTful web API calls.
The official .NET WURFL Microservice client API allows you to query the WURFL database with no need to host and update the database itself in your applications and on your servers. The speed of the client API is comparable to the speed of a local API (such as "WURFL OnSite"). The Client API relie...
A full-featured starter template for "dotnet new" to quickly scaffold a .Net 8 Web-Api project with MongoDB as the data store.