Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Package Description
Interface package for ServiceBlock
This library gives you a declarative approach to defining REST APIs. It's based on ASP.NET, but gives your a resource oriented workflow.
There are incredible options for web scrapping like BeautifulSoup4 in python, but I needed an easy to use and understand scrapper for .Net family. This is a simple, extensible and easy to understand html scrapper. Using a fluid syntax you'll be able to extract information from HTML documents (extens...
Single Page Application templates for ASP.NET Core To install the templates in this package, run 'dotnet new --install Microsoft.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates.2.2::2.2.8'.
Package helps to bootstrap a full framework application to PCF with persisting session to Redis
Package helps to bootstrap a full framework application to PCF by adding cloud native distributed logging, enhanced with Serilog
Package helps to bootstrap a full framework application to PCF by adding various configuration sources such as Json Files, Environment variables, VCAP Services and Config Server. This also overrides the AppSettings and ConnectionString Sections in Web.config file from other external sources
Package helps to bootstrap a full framework application to PCF - supports DI (native, autofac and unity). Additional extension packages (PivotalServices.CloudFoundry.Replatform.Bootstrap.*) are available based on specific needs like persisting session to redis, cloud native logging, configuration ex...
Package helps to bootstrap a full framework application to PCF, for enabling actuators and metrics forwarder
A superior encryption algorithm for encrypting data types string, integer and byte arrray as well as Decrptying corresponding Data types
Asp .Net MVC Application Generator
This package contains an ASP.NET MVC application which shows you how to use the features in ASP.NET Identity. Install this package in an empty ASP.NET project.
Provides functionality for retrieving metadata of models, based on the attributes they are annotated with.
Computes the integrity attribute for remotely linked styles and scripts.