Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

ASP.Net Dnx Test Web Host
ASP.Net vNext Mvc test fixture
ASP.Net Dnx Test Infrastructure
Web layer utilities package
Package Description
A library designed to take a mustache style template file and generate a javascript file from it that can be used on a website to generate the page content from function calls and a passed variable object when necessary.
Package Description
ASP.NET Core with React.js (Fiber) template using ES6.
Package Description
Middleware to allow for multi-tenancy in .net core web api applications.
ADSPrev Framework Module Web
various tools and utils for ASP.NET Core development
Database Abstraction
Contains some helper/estension methods I've found usefull during writing my free time projects. Because it is my first nuget package, this should be treated as a test. Anyway if someone will find it usefull feel free to check it out.
entensão para uso em qualquer projeto .Net Core
Encrypt and Decrpty tool,Include AES,RSA,MD5,SAH1,SAH256,SHA384,SHA512, BASE64, and DataProtector For ASPNETCore