Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

IMPORTANT: This package has been deprecated! Use Abp.Quartz instead.
Asp.Net MVC HtmlHelper method for creating links generating a modal CRUD actions using Jquery and Ajax with MVC Juste use as example: @Html.ActionModalLink(Url.Action("IndexPartial", "documents"), Url.Action("Edit", "documents",new { id = item.IdDocument }),null, null, ActionType...
In .Net 4.6.2, enables developer plug in async version of SessionState module which is a good fit for the non-in-memory SessionState data store. This SessionState provider uses CosmosDB as the data store and leverages async database operation to provide better scability.
V8 Profiler (v8-profiler) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Provides utilities to configure ApplicationHost.config files and other IIS artifacts.
Http framework for C# web apps.
Adds the Expect-CT header which allows sites to opt in to reporting and/or enforcement of Certificate Transparency requirements.
Package Description
NET Core Spring Cloud Config Server Configuration Provider
Creates ASP.NET MVC Core SPA app with F# and ReactJS
.NET Core 2.0 WebApi Application
Pacote EasyNet para conexão com banco de dados