Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Reinforced.Lattice integration assembly for ASP.NET MVC 5
ELMAH error logger for sending errors to This package includes initial configuration for getting up and running with
Web statisitic primitives.
Provides MEF based composition services to an ASP.NET MVC application
Provides MEF based composition services for an ASP.NET WebAPI application
DSI Platform Entity Framework Core component
Implements crud repositories using Mono.Data.Sqlite.
A honeypot like SimpleHoneypot but without redirecting. In essence it's just a hidden field used to trick a simple spambot into filling in a field that it's not supposed to. For more information see:
The package provides helpers to define the print settings such as headers and footers, margins, paper size etc and for print and preview buttons. In combination the helpers simplify working with ScriptX and provide exemplars for implementing more complex functionality.