Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Stemmers for 12 languages and one default stemmer. The default stemmer (DefaultStemmer) can be used for languages that not are supported. The default stemmer does not do any stemming at all. Supported languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romani...
An AntiXss attribute for Web API request models. It essentially runs the Microsoft AntiXss library against the input and fails validation if the result is different to the original value. There are ways to fine tune and relax where appropriate.
Enables ASP to read content files (e.g. .css, .js, .aspx) stored as embedded resources in referenced assemblies. This core package contains only an assembly, see also EmbeddedResourceVirtualPathProvider with bootstrap code for seamless integration into your app.
Abstract Controller for Web Api Application
A minimal RPC framework for ASP.NET core.
a re-useable implementation of the metaweblog api for core
Requires that all methods of contollers should return Task<T>
SeoPack is a library packed with lots of SEO goodness for ASP.Net MVC projects.
O package possui classes de criptografia, tratamento de imagens e validações.
CRUD extension methods for Dapper
Extensions for ASP.NET Core MVC framework.
Nancy components for handling RDF requests and responses Icon designed by Piotrek Chuchla from The Noun Project
IdentityServer3 Integration Library for ASP.NET Core
ASP.Net Core HtmlAgilityPack Library
ASP.Net Core AntiXSS Library
Provides boilerplate framework tag helper code for an ASP.NET Core project. ASP.NET Core Boilerplate is a professional template for building secure, fast, robust and adaptable web applications or sites. It provides the minimum amount of code required on top of the default ASP.NET Core template provi...