Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

This library holds some helper classes and extension methods used for mvc. This is an extension library for the well known library Fluentx.
Support for T4MVC with FluentBootstrap and ASP.NET MVC.
Web framework that extends ASP.NET MVC with a plug-in architecture and default implementations of commonly used features.
HttpClient Rest Client Extension Asp.Net Web Api 2.0 Helpers
ASP.NET support for Cassette. Cassette automatically builds JavaScript, CSS and HTML template modules based on the dependencies between files. CoffeeScript and LESS are also supported.
Unity.Mvc3 is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with ASP.NET MVC 3. This project includes a bespoke DependencyResolver that creates a child container per HTTP request and disposes of container resolved IDisposable instances at the end of the request.
A core package to create an internationalization-ready web application
An ASP.NET request validator which enables claims to pass through ASP.NET request validation when working with WIndows Identity Foundation.
BundleTransformer.Closure contains two minifier-adapters for minification of JS code: `ClosureRemoteJsMinifier` and `ClosureLocalJsMinifier`. These adapters perform minification by using the Google Closure Compiler.
Documents the ASP.NET Web API using the Swagger specification. Swagger.Net targets .NET 4.0 and will expose any apis the inherit from the ApiController in the new ASP.NET Web API. Swagger.NET aims to conform to the Swagger specification to support all swagger components including client code gen.
A simple and lightweight data access tool for .Net
MsDeploy enabled Web Farm using Web Roles in Azure based on Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles and including a background worker execution model.
Html Conventions and other Html generation goodness for FubuMVC applications
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET WebForms using Unity.
Hawk Http Authentication for ASP.NET Web API
Bootstrapper for web projects
ASP.NET Web API formatter for partial response (fields) JSON output.
A library bringing output caching (similar to MVC's "OutputCache"), to Web API actions. Strathweb.CacheOutput will take care of server side caching and set the appropriate client side (response) headers for you.
i18N-Complete localization core Module. Real world i18N - .po based localization for Javascript, ASP.NET MVC 4, and ASP.NET WebForms.
This package abstractions for exception handling.