Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Web utility Json / XML for .Net Standard
Classes to Serialize / Deserialize objects from streams / strings in xml and json format: - SerializationJson (Json.NET) - SerializationRestSharpJson (RestSharp) - SerializationRestSharpXml (RestShap) - SerializationDataContractXml (DataContractSerializer) - Serializati...
Classes to generate Mock objects
Newtonsoft JSON configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Json module
Just-in-time compiled JSON serialization utilizing System.Text.Json
DFlex is JSON like language for compact data store, convenient usage in api or configs and human readable syntax.
Quick JSON serialisation of 'simple' class objects
Package Description
Simple implementations of DI, Mediator (or CQRS), Logger, JSON Serializer/Deserializer and Mapper
A generic tool for automatic schema generation for a set of .Net classes
A generic tool for automatic schema generation for a set of .Net classes
C# library for producing JSON in canonical format
JsonDtoMapper is a tool to convert POCO objects to data transfer objects of JSON format dynamically without the need for intermediate DTO objects.
CallerAPI is a library for request web APIs that deserialize the JSON or XML result from a web service to a model class.
Fast and efficient JSON parser, serializer, and deserializer.
YAML extensions for ConfigurationBuilder.
JSON extensions for ConfigurationBuilder.
This library can be used to ad an extension method to IConfigurationBuilder to generate configuration object from Json files on the basis on active profiles set in environment variable APPLICATION_ACTIVE_PROFILES