Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Xamabrouk.MySQLJsonBased.Entity provides entities for Xamabrouk.MySQLJsonBased.
'Xamabrouk.MySQLJsonBased' facilates the usage of JSON documents applied to MySQL Database. It creates dynamcally MySQL tables that contains JSON documents and provides options to add, edit and delete items and documents.
JSON configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Extensible Framework
Converts RESX files to JSON on build ready for Angular ngx-translate.
A script that creates a configurable HTML table to suit any data passed in. Has non-required css files should you wish default styles included. They can be used as a stylesheet example.
JSON converter collection foy System.Text.Json. Currently only support System.Data.DataTable.
This package is based on project and is written by Kevin Dockx.
dotnet core jsonCompare lib to deep compare jsons JArray/JConstructor/JObject/JProperty/JValue
POCOs for objects in app.config and web.config
A .Net Standard 2.1 client library for receiving real-time price updates.
A cross platform library to convert sql queries into json.
Easy deserialize a json response from Instagram public URL. Just get the json body response of any user or hashtag URL by adding __a=1 to querystring
The package of Cascade library. It allows to read text files and convert to hierarchical tree format.
This package helps creating JSON-schemas from a type and gives the user the capability of adding a OpenAPI-specification to this schema in order to add validation rules based on the OpenAPI-specification. With this package you only have to create a full OpenAPI-specification which then lets you crea...
A middle ware for Net Core applications aimed at helping developers secure their applications by injecting header policies
Package Description
Permite obtener peliculas y buscarlas desde una API