Top 20 NuGet test Packages

This is a test package from Oktana
LeanFT for Selenium DotNet (C#) SDK that extends the WebDriver API with additional locators and utilities.
A tiny helper library for creating database integration tests
AssertJ style fluent assertions for the Moq mocking framework.
Easy way to tests queries generated by NHibernate. General concept here:
Utilities to use at runtime with EntityFramework to enable more tesable code. Use the ApprovalTests.EntityFramework nuget in your tests.
Simple full-featured automocking framework
Allows writing of logs to the xUnit test console using Anlog.
A number of simple methods to test database objects and execute sql. Currently supports Microsoft SQL Server databases.
xUnit Integration testing and testing helpers.
A .NET library for writing easy-to-read tests with MSTest.
Moq extension methods and syntax helpers used by SparkyTestHelpers.Moq and SparkyTestHelpers.Moq.Fluent
Controllers for your Automated UI Tests. Usable with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms project, and used in every Respawnsive projets. If you need them, the source code, or explanation, feel free to contact us at [email protected]!
A test runner console template capable of running tests developed with SourceCharm.Testing.
description Test
Given a populated object model at runtime, outputs the C# code to recreate the model independently. Able to handle circular references and list initialisations. Particularly useful for snapshotting WPF ViewModels for use in the WPF designer.
Don't spend hours writing code to mock a dozen dependencies, and more hours debugging it. Just write your test code, and let FixtureBase create the dependencies for you. FixtureBase constructs your UnitUnderTest to test your codebase end-to-end, with external dependencies auto-faked and automatical...
A tool designed to facilitate data managment in unit testing. The tool makes JSON data organized in embedded resource easy to access. It provides numberous ways to extract a section of data, and deserialize data.