Top 20 NuGet test Packages

This is a simple example of a GUI test case with OpenKeyWord.
A PowerShell task runner based on Invoke-Build. Invoke-Build is a build and test automation tool which invokes tasks defined in PowerShell scripts. It is similar to psake but arguably easier to use and more powerful. Removes the boilerplate code from your build scripts and supports a convention-base...
uScoober.TestFramework: LED Display Interface
uScoober.TestFramework: Character Display Interface
Utilities for unit testing Asp WebApi Projects. Builds on ApprovalTests
Provides DomainTest base class for domain testing of DDD commands.
DynamicSpecs MSTest integration
A Norwegian language wrapper for the Shouldly test assertion framework. This library adds no extra functionality, only translates english function and parameter names to Norwegian
MyTested.WebApi is a strongly-typed unit testing library providing an easy fluent interface to test the ASP.NET Web API framework. See the project repository and documentation for more information and an overview of the available features.
NUnitLite provides a simple way to run NUnit tests, without the overhead of a full NUnit installation. This package contains a build of the NUnitLite runner for SilverLight 5.0.
This is a forced Description
Unit Test Harness for ASP.NET Web Forms objects
MyTested.HttpServer is a unit testing library providing easy fluent interface to test remote HTTP servers. See the project repository and documentation for more information and available features.
NUnit.ManualTest is designed to include manual tests in the NUnit Framework infrastructure. The developer simply can add manual test scenarios to an NUnit test that guides a manual tester step-by-step through the testing scenario.
Yet another BDD specification library for .NET
A way for performing suite of tests for equality in declarative manner
ToolKit that makes it easier to use TDD in building and testing actor systems with Akka.NET
MultiClient is a web load testing library
Library to help implement integration testing.