Top 20 NuGet test Packages

My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC view action results components.
.Net Robot Framework Integration
Tiny framework for test with real db
Extension for DbTest to use with Entity Framework 6
DotNetTestNSpec is a NSpec runner for .NET Core command line interface and Visual Studio IDE. It runs NSpec tests in .NET Core projects targeting both .NET Core and .NET Framework, both from console - taking advantage of `dotnet test` command line interface - as well as from Visual Studio Test Expl...
MSTest TestContext configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Utility that aims to facilitate the creation of domain objects for use in tests.
A simple .NET library for Windows based on the SharpAvi library and designed for recording video from the screen during NUnit test runs.
This package retrieves NUnit runners and NBi framework from Nuget before creating an empty test-suite, a config file and NUnit-project file. It also reconfigure the project to start NUnit GUI and the test-suite when pressing F5 (debug).
Pask extension that provides test automation functionality with code coverage reports generated by dotCover.
Core Test Steps for BizUnit
Azure Test Steps for BizUnit
Marquee is an open source, Selenium based, UI Automation library written in F#.
This package can be used to easily run a unit test project using the .NET Memory Profiler tool NmpCore after the build of a project. It is suitable to be used together with the .NET Memory Profiler API (SciTech.MemProfilerApi), which can be used to perform memory assertions, retrieve memory usage, a...
Rocks auto mocking integration for Stashbox.
Testavior is a set of NuGet libraries to help you develop Behavior Tests for ASP.NET Core.
Generate gibberish filled objects. Give<Customer>.ToMe() give.Me<Customer>().With(c => c.Address = give.Me<Address>())
A shared library used to simplify the process of creating and maintaining simple and consistent developer tests accross projects.
A hybrid HTTP mock library that can start both in memory server and self host server. The core facilities can make complex things possible, and the extensions can make simple things simple. Usages can be found in project test cases.
Adapter classes to use with the XrmMoq framework for Dynamics CRM 2016/365 for plug-ins, custom workflows, and applications.