Top 20 NuGet security Packages

Library to Hash and encode values in your project
Library to Hash and encode values in your project
Test helpers for FluentSecurity
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the Fluent# BCL which provides support for System.Forms and Web
Misc MPL Libraries from CodePlex: HttpAgilityPack, InputSimulator, Irony Parser, WCF Rest Start Kit, XObjects Uses the FluentSharp APIs
An easy-to-use management system for the ASP.NET Membership system built for ASP.NET MVC 4 applications. This application comes complete with an Area, Controllers, Views and everything you need to start managing your ASP.NET MVC 4 application immediately.
.NET wrapper classes for the miiCard web API
Fork of SharpDevelop Editor (for the O2 Platform) Uses the FluentSharp APIs
Gets you up and going with an ASP.NET MVC app quicker by providing handy components such as action filters and helper methods to perform actions like caching and logging.
Implementation of new simple membership for mongo db For Mvc5
A DotNetOpenAuth client for logging in to Facebook using OAuth2.
A DotNetOpenAuth client for logging in to Google using OAuth2.
miiCard ASP.NET Authentication Provider
Fork of SharpDevelop Editor (for the O2 Platform) Uses the FluentSharp APIs
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the Fluent# BCL which provides support for System.Forms
Fork of SharpDevelop Editor (for the O2 Platform) Uses the FluentSharp APIs
Advanced Resilient Mode of Recognition
Owin authentication handler for Foursquare
This project contains the Nohros security framework. Which is a port of the JAAS for the .NET. This module contains the web related functionality.
FubuMVC Permissions Module