Top 20 NuGet security Packages

Provides helpers for manipulation of classes in System.Security or its sub namespaces. Provides: RSACertificateCipher X509CertificateProvider
Simple authentication token provider for ASP.NET Core
PowerShell Module library for ACMESharp POSH Module client.
A tool to allow users to compare different security roles for the individual privileges
Linq To DB persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Corporate claim definitions and ClaimsPrincipal extensions.
Trimble Identity ASP.NET Core security middleware.
Provisioning Device Security TPM Client for Azure IoT Devices
A light weight, dynamic jwt server for ASP.NET Core
.NET Standard 1.3 implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework (revision 33 of the spec)
A library for extending UmbracoIdentity to integrate with IdentityServer
RabbitMQ message provider implementation for the SenseNet.Security project.
Identity Server 4 Persistance Storage with AWS DynamoDB
ACMESharp support library for .NET Core
Entity Framework Core data provider implementation for the SenseNet.Security project.
A cross platform C# library for the Ledger hardwarewallet. To see the samples, please clone the repo at the project Url.
EntityFramework persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Network service template library for the CANAPE.Core network library.
Core networking library for the CANAPE.Core network library.