Top 20 NuGet security Packages

SIMON and SPECK are families of lightweight block ciphers; those block ciphers are efficient and provide high performances across a wide range of devices. This package includes classes that allow you to encrypt and decrypt using native libraries that are using SIMD such as AVX2 or NEON.
File type checker that checks the file's magic numbers/identifying bytes. Useful for verifying uploaded files in web applications. NuGet package of code originally written by and extended to allow for dependency injecting the known file types.
BouncyCastle.Crypto is a cryptography API providing: -Generation and parsing of PKCS#12 files. -X.509: Generators and parsers for V1 and V3 certificates, V2 CRLs and attribute certificates. -PBE algorithms supported by PBEUtil: PBEwithMD2andDES-CBC, PBEwithMD2andRC2-CBC, PBEwithMD5andDES-CBC, PBE...
A package to digitally sign and verify data(i.e. documents,etc)
Glimpse plugin for Fluent Security.
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. It makes extensive use of .NET ExtensionMethods and it reduces the amount of code required (while making it more read This is the FluentSharp VisualStudio which provides a fluent API for creating VisualStudio 2010 ex...
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing web implementations on the DotNetAppStarterKit.Core interfaces for commonly used components such as logging, caching and security.
Componente transversal de la arquitectura. Contiene un conjunto de clases y/o contrato para operaciones de cache, seguridad, loggin, operaciones con archivos, email, ect.
ASP.NET MVC5 ships with a few default OAuth Providers e.g. Facebook and Google. This is a Fitbit extension for the default OAuth provider list. It is important to note that like all OAuth provider, the identity of the signed up user with the OAuth provider may or may not have been verified.
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp Moq which simplifies the use of the Moq API
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This dll contains the a Fluent API for WatiN (via ExtensionMethods)
This dll contains the a Fluent API performing zip actions. FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs.
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp MsBuild which simplifies the use of the Microsoft.Build Apis
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp Ast which simplifies the use of C# files AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This dll contains the a Fluent API for WatiN (via ExtensionMethods) with support for NUnit and C# REPL
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp Moq which simplifies the use of the HttpAgilityPack with WinForms
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. This is the FluentSharp Moq which simplifies the use of the HttpAgilityPack
An easy to use OAuth 2 client for use with any OAuth 2 provider.
A token manager for Sentinel based on RavenDB.