Top 20 NuGet c++ Packages

GMock for Windows
GTest for Windows
A strong type is a type used in place of another type to carry specific meaning through its name.
googletest nuget package 1.10.0 built by VC140.
LinksPlatform's Platform.Delegates is a Template Library what contains set of C++ abstract class templates for a simple event engine. Use Platform.Delegates.h file to include the library.
FMT Modern C++ formatting library
Mutex variable synchronisation
Don't strave(Together) static animation files resolver&intermadite XML decompiler/compiler
Included a Klei's tex file loader, atlas parser(not stable), and some convert function visual studio 2019 is needed
LinksPlatform's Platform.Exceptions is a Template Library what contains set of C++ abstract class templates. Use Platform.Exceptions.h file to include the library.
TagLib for WinRT
Native C++ wrapper for DnsQueryEx.
LinksPlatform's Platform.Converters is a Template Library what contains set of C++ abstract class templates. Use Platform.Converters.h file to include the library.
JsonCpp for Windows(x86 x64 arm arm64)
Software development kit for building consumer applications for Microsoft Visual C++ Build Insights events.
A Google microbenchmark support C++ library
LinksPlatform's Platform.Hashing is a Template Library which contains std::hash specializations for: - trivial and standard-layout types - types constrained by std::ranges::range - std::any Use Platform.Hashing.h file to include the whole library.
LinksPlatform's Platform.Ranges is a Template Library what contains set of C++ non-abstract class templates. Use Platform.Ranges.h file to include the library.
JSON for Modern C++
Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1.