Top 20 NuGet c++ Packages

SOIL for opengl
Zip a directory into an archive file OR Unzip an archive file to a directory.
Zip a directory into an archive file OR Unzip an archive file to a directory.
Msbuild targets to compile and build VcxProjs using GCC with dotnet in Windows and Linux. With this tool nuget package you can target any build server and your .sln just works fine.
Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.
libclang binary file.
Abstractions and user interfaces for QuickLogger
Microsoft Information Protection SDK: Protection API for C++ Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) is the unification of Microsoft's classification, labeling, and protection services into a single administration experience and software development kit (SDK). Unified administration is provi...
Microsoft Information Protection SDK: Policy API for C++ Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) is the unification of Microsoft's classification, labeling, and protection services into a single administration experience and software development kit (SDK). Unified administration is provided ...
Microsoft Information Protection SDK File API for C++/.NET Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) is the unification of Microsoft's classification, labeling, and protection services, into a single administration experience and software development kit (SDK). Unified administration is provided ac...
Tetrahedral Mesh Generator
This is fork of TinyXML. TinyXml is a simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser.
This is fork of CSparse. CSparse is a Concise Sparse Matrix package.
Enables Thunderhead game servers to interact with PlayFab control systems and accept players.
VTK is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.
An octree is a tree structure for storing sparse 3-D data.