Top 20 NuGet c++ Packages

Microsoft CNTK CPU-only Model Evaluation Libraries (no GPU required)
Nequeo math component
Nequeo science math component
Embed libclang binaries as assembly resources. To retrieve the embedded resources, use Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("");
Boost libraries 1.61.0
Feature checking macros for various C++ toolchains
Enables Win32 applications to access the Windows::Devices::Midi API when running on Windows 10.
Gumbo - A pure-C HTML5 parser.
DeepEnds is a tool written by Zeb Mason to perform dependency analysis on code in a hierarchical manner. It produces DGML files for visualisation of graphs within Visual Studio and computes various metrics which can be placed in a CSV file or a HTML report. The HTML report can be generated ...
Mersenne-Twister random number generator from C++11 in .NET
Python2.7 unofficial dev environment package x64 and x86
The Microsoft Xbox Live Service API (XSAPI) enables game developers to access Xbox Live. To get access to the Xbox Live service, you can join the Xbox Live Creators Program at, or apply to the ID@Xbox program at
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