Top 20 NuGet console Packages

This is a test command project that is used as the basis of the command VSIX
Applications: console, singleton, service host, timed. Service host installer.
Quake-style console allowing for in-game user input.
Interpreter for executing console commands using a Python engine.
Method Template pattern base calss for easy create console app with help such as argument option parse
Interpreter for executing console commands using a Python engine.
Quake-style console allowing for in-game user input.
yemon-like console/terminal application in .net core
Add a console to any web site.
This library is robust, flexible console command engine that cooperates with our Console.Core coloring engine. It supports various types of syntax and provides separation of models, commands and console output, which is good for proper unit testing.
This small library allows more control on System.Console than using default one. Plus CloseColorFinder tool for mapping System.Drawing.Color structure to the closest possible color from console's 16 colors. And you can also easily edit those defaults.
This library allows for console operations, like table / frame display. Requires Obscureware.Console.Core to support coloring and console control
PDCurses is a public domain curses library for DOS, OS/2, Win32, X11 and SDL, implementing most of the functions available in X/Open and System V R4 curses.
a ton bugs. just for test.
Command-line progress bar that can go backwards
This project has been built to add logging functionality to your application in an easy and simple way. This project allows you to output your logs to the Console or a File with a simple configuration. You will also be able to create your own storage using the ILogStorage interface.
Command-Line Parameters Parsing