Top 20 NuGet console Packages

Helps consolidating multiple console applications into a single application.
Console menu system with keyborad arrows and mouse selection
A collection of console utilities for better output.
A minimalist unit testing package for use in console applications.
An easy to use console for writing colorful text - designed for .NET Core
Used for preping Hybrid applications (cli/gui applications).
Command line argument parser library.
A CLI tree visualisation utility.
a ton bugs. just for test.
a ton bugs. just for test.
- Provides the Cmd class to quickly create command line shell program. - Shell commands can be created using method naming conventions or method arguments. - A command line argument parser. - Live help - Auto command completion
Libreria que buscar escribir en consola
A demonstration of a console-based snake game built on .NET Core 2
This package is deprecated please use this one instead