Top 20 NuGet console Packages

A library to make the creation of .Net Command Line Application as simple as possible. Let this library take care of the wiring so you can focus on building your application.
Console Password Masker is lightweight library for .NET Framework 4.0+ and .NET Core 2.0 that handles password masking for console applications. It works by replacing every char that users type into asterisk * or custom char that you can set yourself. Not only masking chars into specified char repla...
Users can only write after the prompt. Built-in command completion by pressing TAB key, just register your commands. Pressing Enter key validates the input. Everything is event-based, so you can interface it easily without changing the code. Command and arguments are parsed. Arguments can be sim...
A Framework for creating code that performs Platform Dependent Tasks in a Generic, OS Independent manner.
Console User Interface Toolkit
Console.Waterworks is a Nuget package which helps you write command-based console programs in .Net.
ConsoleCommon is a .net library that provides a set of helper tools intended for use with console applications. These tools focus on automating argument typing and validation, and creating help text.
Base classes for creating ConsoleApplications acting as a runnable Job for eny scheduling system - ConsoleApplication q: [email protected]
A netstandard command-line parser and powershell wrapper.
This library for .NET uses a fluent interface of chained methods for building complete Command-Line Applications.
.NET wrapper for winpty. NetStandard2.0
Collection of tools for developing console applications. This package contains the basic funtionality like application handling and command line argument parsing/mapping like the 4.* version of the ConsoLovers.ConsoleToolkit did, but usable for .NetStandard 2.0
Pixie is a C# library that prints beautifully formatted output to the console. You describe your layout using a high-level API and Pixie turns it into neatly-formatted text. This package contains Pixie.Loyc, a library that translates Loyc diagnostics to Pixie markup nodes.
A simple utility library for colorizing console output in F#.
A library to help .NET Core Console applications adhere to Docker conventions.
Logger is a framework for logging .NET applications. Can be used to log the output for different targets, like logging output in a text file, Database, Console, Mail (SMTP), Remote, and others.
A WebApp Site extension that allows you to open a command prompt / powershell window to all / any of the instances hosting your site. It also allows you to collect Mini and Full memory dumps of the process's running on any specific instance. It also supports profiling the process. All the data is do...