Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

Yet another mock library for F#
Nethereum / Ethereum Smart Contract Integration testing
Create multiple pages with realistic test content by just using the Umbraco interface
Utilities for unit testing using xunit framework.
Easy way to tests queries generated by EntityFramework.
Provides LightBDD integration with Autofac, allowing to use Autofac as DI container for LightBDD scenarios.
A lightweight framework for creating unit tests for Roslyn diagnostic analyzers, code fixes and refactorings using NUnit. This is a NetStandard retarget of Dustin Campbell's library, targetting newer versions of CodeAnalysis packages.
Provides some additional xunit abstractions to make integration tests easier.
SpecsFor is another Behavior-Driven Development framework that focuses on ease of use for *developers* by minimizing testing friction.
SecByte.Xunit.Gherkin is a modified version of Xunit.Gherkin.Quick
Approval testing for xUnit
Alpha version that still requires (a) updated code comments, (b) updated wiki documentation, and (c) completed sample solution
Auto-mocked Unit Testing with Local Functions 🐯 Use the traditional Unit Testing Frameworks to write TDD or BDD tests: ✔️ Arrange / Act / Assert ✔️ Given / When / Then ✔️ Context / Specification Use Moq to: ✔️ Mock / Fake / Stub
Auto-mocked Unit Testing with Local Functions 🐯 Use the traditional Unit Testing Frameworks to write TDD or BDD tests: ✔️ Arrange / Act / Assert ✔️ Given / When / Then ✔️ Context / Specification Use FakeItEasy to: ✔️ Mock / Fake / Stub
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. Mocklis.Core contains classes and interfaces used by the generated test doubles. See also the Mocklis package for a more comprehensive set of tools for writing tests using the generated code...
This is a fork following the Coverlet project but only building and packaging the Coverlet.Core aspect. COMES AS IS - NO GUARANTEES - API CAN CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
A set of tools to make the arrange phase of unit and integration tests for projects in .Net simpler. Find usage documentation here: